Not getting full frames.

HandBrake for Windows support
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Robert Walden
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Not getting full frames.

Post by Robert Walden »

Old dvd trying to rip to mp4 so I can work on it in Davinchi Resolve 18. Must have the settings wrong because it is being cropped in frames. Not sure how to add images to show my settings.

Steps to reproduce the problem (If Applicable):

HandBrake version (e.g., 1.0.0):

Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, Windows 10 Creators Update):

HandBrake Activity Log ***required*** (see How-to get an activity log)

Code: Select all

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If you are unable to do so, please state why so we can help you.
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Re: Not getting full frames.

Post by rollin_eng »

Could you please post your HB logs, instructions can be found here: ... y-log.html
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