Support for HandBrake on Linux, Solaris, and other Unix-like platforms
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Description of problem or question:
Handbrake exits with error code 1 when starting.
There is only warning about a GTK config, no further message is displayed.
Steps to reproduce the problem (If Applicable):
HandBrake version (e.g., 1.0.0):
Operating system and version (e.g., Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, macOS 10.13 High Sierra, Windows 10 Creators Update):
Garuda Linux (Arch-based)
I forgot to include this in the post, here are the troubleshooting steps I tried:
- Reboot
- Uninstall / reinstall package from the arch repos
- Remove config files
(fr.handbrake.ghb:8490): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:01:53.027: Unknown key gtk-modules in /home/user/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini
That warning in terminal is as clear as daylight: it's GTK4 at fault. GTK4 is one of the reasons I froze my handbrake at version 1.7.3. The GTK4 Handbrake did start for me but it was all white, not using the GTK3 dark theme I wrote (sort of) and that white theme was killing my eyes, so I downgraded it to 1.7.3 where GTK3 is still supported. I think it will be quite some time until GNOME can make GTK4 usable. So for the moment you have to decide what is more important to you: to be able to do your stuff and freeze it at 1.7.3 (add it to the IgnorePkg line in pacman.conf and then downgrade it), or be able to brag about having the latest (but not working because of GTK4) version?
No, it works properly and now the reason is clear. There aren't any GTK-4 config in the flatpak (the folder is empty).
Moreover it seems to be an issue only on wayland since if I force handbrake to use X11 it works on the latest version.