CLi Display Refresh Rate

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CLi Display Refresh Rate

Post by floffy »


HandbrakeCLI Last 1.5.1
I Search for a Command to change the Refresh Rate in CLi But none Exist
It Refresh many time a Second , its not Necessary , the Rate could be every 5 Second or Be Adjustable , it be the Best

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM ----- Detect the Pathand be sure working in the Right One ---------------
set paths=%~dp0
CD /d %paths%

REM ------If Handbrake GUI or CLI Runining Exist ------------
for %%i in (handbrakecli handbrake) do for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist^|find /i "%%i"') do if %%a GEQ 1 exit

REM ------Detect Folder Available , This Script work in 2 computers it detect Folder
if exist D:\encoding\X264\* set in=D:\encoding\X264
if exist D:\upl\* set out=D:\upl

if exist C:\ToCONVERT\TV\X264\ MD C:\CONVERT && set in=C:\ToCONVERT\TV\X264
if exist C:\CONVERT\* set out=C:\CONVERT

Rem ------ Display path usage ------------------
@echo IN : %in%
@echo OUT: %out%
timeout /t 1 >NUL

REM ------- if Semaphore Exist, Exit , it interrup the Script Workout can cancel the next compress task
if exist abort.sem DEL /q /f abort.sem

REM ------- Detect and Compress all the Movie in the Folder until no more
for /r %in% %%A in (*.mp4 *.mkv *.avi) do (

Rem ------- if Anothers running Script run Quit it !
for %%i in (handbrakecli handbrake) do for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist^|find /i "%%i"') do if %%a GEQ 1 exit

REM ------- Detect Size
set siz=
set /a siz=%%~zA

REM Detect Time now
@call :temp

REM ------ Detect semaphone will not Continue to next movie compress
if exist abort.sem DEL /q /f abort.sem && exit

rem ------ Change The Priority of the Task handbrake and Put it HIGH Priority , SEE another Script !!
start /i /min %paths%\Priority.bat 128

REM ------ Display Name file Compress , source Extention to M4v , Size File , Time this Script RUN , Display it to the Header of Dos Windows
title %%~nA FROM %%~xA TO .m4v :: %%~zA :: !times!

REM ------ Handbrake CLI
if not exist "%out%\%%~nA.m4v" %paths%\HandBrakeCLI -D 3 -metadata title="%%~nA" -metadata comment="%%~nA" --normalize-mix 1 --preset-import-file "%paths%\MP4 VF 1280x720.json" -Z "MP4 VF 1280x720" -i "%%A" -o "%out%\%%~nA.m4v"

REM ------ if Destination movies in M4v exist , delete the SOurce
if exist "%out%\%%~nA.m4v" if exist "%%A" DEL /Q /F "%%A"

REM ------ if the task wmic Exist more them 2 delete the Task
for %%i in (wmic) do for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist^|find /i "%%i"') do if %%a GEQ 1 (
set aa+=1
if %aa% geq 3 if exist "%%a" DEL /Q /S /F "%%a"

REM ------ if more movies exist run the Script Again
for /r %in% %%A in (*.mp4 *.mkv *.avi) do if exist %%A goto debut

REM ------ Detect Time , it display on Header of the DOS bar
set local
set times=
set times=%time:~0,8%
set endlocal
exit /b

@echo off

set proc=%1
rem if noting set at 32
if "%proc%"=="" set proc=32
@echo PROCESS : %proc%
timeout /t 10 >NUL

REM NIRCMD elevate the WMIC to ADMINISTRATOR to get REALITME otherwise only high PRiority
REM need to install NIRCMD
if %proc% geq 255 for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist^|find /i "handbrakecli"') do if %%a GEQ 1 nircmd.exe elevatecmd runassystem wmic process where processid=%%a CALL setpriority %proc%
if %proc% lss 255 for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist^|find /i "handbrakecli"') do if %%a GEQ 1 wmic process where processid=%%a CALL setpriority %proc%


idle: 64 (or "idle")
below normal: 16384 (or "below normal")
normal: 32 (or "normal")
above normal: 32768 (or "above normal")
high priority: 128 (or "high priority")
real time: 256 (or "realtime")
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Re: CLi Display Refresh Rate

Post by mduell »

Why is the modest refresh rate a problem?
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:35 pm

Re: CLi Display Refresh Rate

Post by floffy »

Just to Get more CPU to Convert less on the Display , i push so much the CPU... cursor slow Down on the display ENCODING: TASK !!
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Re: CLi Display Refresh Rate

Post by rollin_eng »

The amount of CPU used on calculating/displaying stats is insignificant.
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