Reorder queued items in Queue Window

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Joined: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:17 pm

Reorder queued items in Queue Window

Post by edepot »

Please describe what you would like to see added to HandBrake:
Ability to reorder queued items when all encodings are stopped or paused. This can be done by dragging items up or down in the window.
Right now it can be dragged, but it doesn't change the order (on MAC OSX version of Handbrake)

Why would you like to see this added:
Sometimes the current item being encoded is too large, and would like to get smaller ones at the bottom of the queue to finish first

What version of HandBrake are you currently running:

What operating system and version and you currently running (e.g. OSX 10.11, Windows 7, Ubuntu 14):
OSX 10.12 (Sierra)
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