HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

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HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by HandBrake »

It hasn't been that long since the last snapshot binary, but we've got a number of fixes and enhancements for you. Stability should be improving now, snapshot to snapshot. But, well, that's your job to confirm.

This is a snapshot release of SVN revision 2845. It is not stable code. It is unstable (and undocumented) development code which will one day lead to a stable release of HandBrake 0.9.4. But in order for that process to happen, it needs a lot more bug testing.

Download it now.

When you find broken things in this snapshot--which you will--post a thorough bug report in our bugs forum.

A full change log can be found on the Trac.

  • Fix bug that was causing one sec. of audio to be dropped on many ffmpeg files
  • bump x264 to r1271
  • Libtheora bumped to 1.1.0
  • Improvements to our theora implementation (2 pass encoding + soft target rate control)
  • Fix srt track stop time. srt stop time was being set to the end of the start chapter instead of the end of the stop chapter.
  • 64bit / 32 bit VLC detection
  • Bug Fixes and Usability improvements.
  • Bug Fixes.
  • Update checker on MinGW built exe should now work correctly.

An afterword on project focus
As we've had on our roadmap for quite awhile now, one of our goals for version 0.9.4 is to refocus on HandBrake's key strengths and to remove dead weight. As part of this process, several presets, containers, and a codec have been removed from HandBrake.

* AVI: AVI is a rough beast. It is obsolete. It does not support modern container features like chapters, muxed-in subtitles, variable framerate video, or out of order frame display. Furthermore, HandBrake's AVI muxer is vanilla AVI 1.0 that doesn't even support large files. The code has not been actively maintained since 2005. Keeping it in the library while implementing new features means a very convoluted data pipeline, full of conditionals that make the code more difficult to read/maintain, and make output harder to predict. As such, it is now gone. It is not coming back, and good riddance.

* OGG/OGM: HandBrake's OGM muxer is just as out of date. It hasn't been actively maintained in years either, and it too lacks support for HandBrake's best features. It requires conditionals to work around missing functionality too...only this one gets tested so infrequently the conditionals were never even put in the code, so it just fails when you try to do anything advanced. This one is not coming back either. And yes, we're aware of HTML 5. For patent-free muxing, HandBrake still has Matroska.

* XviD: HandBrake, these days, is almost entirely about H.264 video, aka MPEG-4 Part 10. This makes it rather...superfluous to include two different encoders for an older codec, MPEG-4 Part 2. When choosing between FFmpeg's and XviD's, it came down to a matter of necessity. We need to include libavcodec (FFmpeg) for a bunch of other parts of its API, like decoding. Meanwhile, XviD's build system causes constant grief (it's the most common support query we get about compiling, after x264's requirement of yasm). Since we mainly use MPEG-4 Part 2 for testing/debugging, and recommend only H.264 for high quality encodes, Xvid's undisputed quality edge over FFmpeg's encoder is inconsequential, while FFmpeg's speed edge over XviD is important to us.

* Video game presets: There are no more presets for the PSP, PS3, or Xbox 360. Quite frankly, they didn't work well. None of the development team members own the devices, so testing was minimal and support was nonexistent. Keeping up with the firmware vagaries and ambiguous specifications of these devices was not fun -- we get enough of that from Apple's kit, and those we all have around to test on. The new "Normal" preset should work perfectly fine on any device that supports standard Main Profile H.264 with AAC-LC audio in an MP4 file, which the PS3 and 360 ostensibly do.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by wzzrd »

Would it be possible to provide the src.rpms?
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by rhester »

We don't package RPMs, period - please contact the package maintainer. Current (and all previous) source is always available via SVN.

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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by s55 »

Rhester, we recently started shipping fedora rpm's along with Ubuntu debs.

The source is avail as tar.bz2 and svn. There is no plans to change this.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by rhester »

Oh, no - I really wanted us to stay out of the package maintenance game, particularly in Ubuntu-land. Ah, well.

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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by JohnAStebbins »

I don't create source rpms. I do the minimum possible to supply some binary packages for a couple of the largest distributions. I leave it to the repositories to do proper packaging.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by texasranger »

In the next release of handbrake, could you include the ability to rip Two-Part movies? For example, the extended version of lord of the rings. Each movie is separated into two parts, and I can't find a clean (lossless) way to join them. If this could be done, like for example, checking a box that says "multiple disk film," it could be very useful in some situations.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by s55 »

The current code is feature frozen. No new features will be added.
In future please post requests in the Ponies section. (this one has been requested before so no need to repost)
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Output format not set automatically

Post by wzp »

Version: SVN 2845
Downloaded: 10/1/2009
Platform: Mac OS X 10.6.1
64-bit mode

Under 0.9.3, if I specified the preset of "Xbox 360", and an output file extension of .tmp, it would still get the correct mp4 output format. I now have to specify that explicitly or the encoding will fail.

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/bin/HandBrakeCLI.new --preset="Xbox 360" -b 3000 -i /Volumes/Video/EyeTV\ Archive/CSI_\ Miami\ -\ Hostile\ Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg -o /Volumes/Video/Transcoded/testme.tmp -v
Output format couldn't be guessed from file name, using default.
[17:55:38] hb_init: checking cpu count
[17:55:38] hb_init: starting libhb thread
HandBrake svn2845 (2009092801) - Darwin x86_64 - http://handbrake.fr
8 CPUs detected
Opening /Volumes/Video/EyeTV Archive/CSI_ Miami - Hostile Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg...
[17:55:38] hb_scan: path=/Volumes/Video/EyeTV Archive/CSI_ Miami - Hostile Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg, title_index=1
[17:55:38] scan: trying to open with libdvdread
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
ERROR: dvd: ifoOpen failed
[17:55:38] file is MPEG Transport Stream with 188 byte packets offset 0 bytes
[17:55:38] hb_ts_stream_find_pids - found the following PIDS
[17:55:38]     Video PIDS : 
[17:55:38]       0x31 type MPEG2 (0x2)
[17:55:38]     Audio PIDS : 
[17:55:38]       0x34 type AC-3 (0x81)
[17:55:38]       0x35 type AC-3 (0x81)
[17:55:38]       0x110 type ISO 13818-1 PES private data (0x6)
[17:55:38]       0x111 type ISO 13818-1 private section (0x5)
[17:55:38]       0x112 type ISO 13818-1 private section (0x5)
[17:55:38] transport stream pid 0x34 (type 0x81) may be AC-3 audio (id 0x1)
[17:55:38] transport stream pid 0x35 (type 0x81) may be AC-3 audio (id 0x2)
[17:55:38] transport stream pid 0x110 (type 0x81) may be AC-3 audio (id 0x3)
[17:55:38] transport stream pid 0x111 (type 0x5) isn't audio
[17:55:38] transport stream pid 0x112 (type 0x5) isn't audio
[17:55:38] scan: decoding previews for title 1
[17:55:38] scan: audio 0x2: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=192000 Espanol (AC3) (1.0 ch)
[17:55:38] scan: audio 0x1: AC-3, rate=48000Hz, bitrate=384000 English (AC3) (5.1 ch)
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
[17:55:40] stream: error near frame 766: packet error bit set
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
Scanning title 1...
[17:55:44] stream: error near frame 1956: packet error bit set
Scanning title 1...
[17:55:44] scan: 10 previews, 1920x1088, 29.970 fps, autocrop = 0/8/0/0, aspect 1.76:1, PAR 1:1
[17:55:44] scan: removing audio 0x3 because no bitrate found
[17:55:44] scan: title (0) job->width:1936, job->height:1088
[17:55:44] stream: 4385 good frames, 1642 errors (37%)
[17:55:44] libhb: scan thread found 1 valid title(s)
+ title 1:
  + vts 0, ttn 0, cells 0->0 (0 blocks)
  + duration: 01:02:56
  + size: 1920x1088, pixel aspect: 1/1, display aspect: 1.76, 29.970 fps
  + autocrop: 0/8/0/0
  + chapters:
    + 1: cells 0->0, 0 blocks, duration 01:02:56
  + audio tracks:
    + 1, English (AC3) (5.1 ch) (iso639-2: eng), 48000Hz, 384000bps
    + 2, Espanol (AC3) (1.0 ch) (iso639-2: spa), 48000Hz, 192000bps
  + subtitle tracks:
    + 1, Closed Captions (iso639-2: eng) (Text)
+ Using preset: Xbox 360[17:55:44] 1 job(s) to process
[17:55:44] starting job
[17:55:44] job configuration:
[17:55:44]  * source
[17:55:44]    + /Volumes/Video/EyeTV Archive/CSI_ Miami - Hostile Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg
[17:55:44]    + title 1, chapter(s) 1 to 1
[17:55:44]  * destination
[17:55:44]    + /Volumes/Video/Transcoded/testme.tmp
[17:55:44]  * video track
[17:55:44]    + decoder: mpeg2
[17:55:44]      + bitrate 17067 kbps
[17:55:44]    + frame rate: same as source (around 29.970 fps)
[17:55:44]    + dimensions: 1920 * 1088 -> 1936 * 1088, crop 0/8/0/0
[17:55:44]    + encoder: FFmpeg
[17:55:44]      + bitrate: 3000 kbps, pass: 0
[17:55:44]  * audio track 0
[17:55:44]    + decoder: English (AC3) (5.1 ch) (track 1, id 1)
[17:55:44]      + bitrate: 384 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz
[17:55:44]    + mixdown: Dolby Pro Logic II
[17:55:44]    + encoder: faac
[17:55:44]      + bitrate: 160 kbps, samplerate: 48000 Hz
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
ERROR: dvd: ifoOpen failed
[17:55:44] reader: first SCR 4850961753 id 0 DTS 4850992736
No accelerated IMDCT transform found
[17:55:44] sync: expecting 113200 video frames
ERROR: No muxer selected, exiting
[17:55:44] mux: track 0, 0 frames, 0 bytes, 0.00 kbps, fifo 8
[17:55:44] mux: track 1, 0 frames, 0 bytes, 0.00 kbps, fifo 8
[17:55:44] sync: got 0 frames, 113200 expected
[17:55:44] stream: 136 good frames, 0 errors (0%)
[17:55:44] work: average encoding speed for job is 0.000000 fps
[17:55:44] reader: done. 1 scr changes
[17:55:44] mpeg2 done: 0 frames
[17:55:44] render: lost time: 0 (0 frames)
[17:55:44] render: gained time: 0 (0 frames) (0 not accounted for)
[17:55:44] libhb: work result = 0
Rip done!
HandBrake has exited.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by wzp »

Version: SVN 2845
Downloaded: 10/1/2009
Platform: Mac OS X 10.6.1
64-bit mode

--cpu parameter doesn't work. This was also the case with 0.9.3

/usr/local/bin/HandBrakeCLI --cpu 2 --preset="Xbox 360" -b 3000 -i "/Volumes/Video/EyeTV Archive/CSI_ Miami - Seeing Red.eyetv/00000000105f2c64.mpg" -o "/Volumes/Video/Transcoded/CSI_ Miami - Seeing Red.tmp" --format mp4

Under 0.9.3, even though I specified 2 cpu's this still buried all 8 CPU's on my Mac Pro. Under SVN2845, while it doesn't bury 8 CPU's any more, the parameter still doesn't work. It starts the same number of threads whether I specify "--cpu 1" or "--cpu 8", and it consumes the same amount of CPU.

wrp-Mac-Pro:bin root# /usr/local/bin/HandBrakeCLI.new --cpu 1 --preset="Xbox 360" -b 3000 -i /Volumes/Video/EyeTV\ Archive/CSI_\ Miami\ -\ Hostile\ Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg -o /Volumes/Video/Transcoded/testme.tmp -v --format mp4
[18:02:56] hb_init: checking cpu count
[18:02:56] hb_init: starting libhb thread
HandBrake svn2845 (2009092801) - Darwin x86_64 - http://handbrake.fr
8 CPUs detected
Forcing 1 CPU
Opening /Volumes/Video/EyeTV Archive/CSI_ Miami - Hostile Takeover.eyetv/000000001071a164.mpg...
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by emanem »

Hi, a couple of quick questions.
For example, why did you drop the AVI container support in the next release (this one)?
I understand that MKV will easily replace this very old format (I know), but again I'm a Linux/PS3 user, so encoding with XviD like codec (I've read about dropping support of XviD as well, sigh) into a AVI container could be a good option.
Or why not supporting the OGG container?
I understand AVI format could be a huge pain, but is OGG container format so painful as well?

One of the thing Handbrake is successful is (was) the ease of use with presets like PS3/Xbox ...
I understand that now High profile does it all, but again, it doesn't give the same impression of the PS3 one. Probably the settings are absolutely the same, but I'd keep the PS3/Xbox profiles just for clarity.

Personally I love Handbrake over Avidemux, but I don't understand why you guys are being so keen to get rid of features (most of all the OGG container and XviD).
For AVI ok, old format etc etc.
But for OGG format, for example, I think many Linuxers will use it in future; Handbrake is replacing Avidemux, and as a converter, is the most immediate and working tool that is out there.

Btw, is there any comparison between XviD and x264 codecs?
The SVN version, is that compiled with optimizations or in debug mode?

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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by s55 »

This build does not have an Xbox360 preset.
CPU only optimizes HandBrake for a set cpu count. It doesn't limit it to x cpu's

Our reasons are explained above.
I understand that now High profile does it all, but again, it doesn't give the same impression of the PS3 one. Probably the settings are absolutely the same, but I'd keep the PS3/Xbox profiles just for clarity.
No, As stated above, the "Normal" preset should work on these devices. We have no intention of giving anyone false impressions on what a preset works on when we haven't worked with the devices ourselves.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by emanem »

Ok cool.

What about the OGG container? Any chance you'll support it in future?

Btw, if you want, I can run test, encoding on Linux and then playing back on my PS3. If you don't have one I can run a couple of test for you :-)

Another question, how to compile it for Linux?
Apparently the compile guide is broken: http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/CompileGuide

Deleted User 11865

Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by Deleted User 11865 »

emanem wrote:What about the OGG container? Any chance you'll support it in future?
From the very first post in this thread:
HandBrake wrote: * OGG/OGM: HandBrake's OGM muxer is just as out of date. It hasn't been actively maintained in years either, and it too lacks support for HandBrake's best features. It requires conditionals to work around missing functionality too...only this one gets tested so infrequently the conditionals were never even put in the code, so it just fails when you try to do anything advanced. This one is not coming back either. And yes, we're aware of HTML 5. For patent-free muxing, HandBrake still has Matroska.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by svinolom »

Hello guys. I use handbrake to convert mkv avi 720p rips and dvds to my standart dvd divx player. This is fastest converter and most stable.


You must do preview fot video and dvd, option to insert subtitle from and to video . It is important . Please support avi in future. I anderstand it old converter but it is standart for dvds. I dont know how in america, in europe mp4 and mkv c0nveters not vey popular. Sankju
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by nightstrm »

svinolom wrote:Hello guys. I use handbrake to convert mkv avi 720p rips and dvds to my standart dvd divx player. This is fastest converter and most stable.


You must do preview fot video and dvd, option to insert subtitle from and to video . It is important . Please support avi in future. I anderstand it old converter but it is standart for dvds. I dont know how in america, in europe mp4 and mkv c0nveters not vey popular. Sankju
Keep a copy of .9.3 then, because AVI isn't coming back.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by jbrjake »

svinolom wrote:Hello guys. I use handbrake to convert mkv avi 720p rips and dvds to my standart dvd divx player. This is fastest converter and most stable.

...and there's no future in DVD players or DivX < v7 either.

Do you have a point?
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by ipkh »

Are there any plans for a 64bit Windows GUI build?
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by s55 »

Not for 0.9.4. Maybe for a future version when the development tools have matured.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by JeepinDan »

FWIW, I agree that it makes sense to drop AVI and OGG. I'd even agree with dropping XVID although I might miss that one a little.

When resources are limited it makes sense to concentrate one's efforts on the most important/useful functions.

There's a general rule of thumb that if you serve a broad population you will spend 80% of your resources on 20% of your population. Almost any enterprise is more productive if it identifies that resource intensive 20% and eliminates it. When the resource intensive 20% is gone you can double your efforts on the 80% and make them deliriously happy with still less than 1/2 the effort you previously exerted.

So count me in on the changes.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by hitekalex »

JeepinDan wrote:So count me in on the changes.
+1. Great to see Handbrake shedding all these legacy codecs and containers. Between MKV/MP3 containers and H.264 codecs - our needs should be covered well into the future. Would much rather see Handbrake focus on improving the support for the few remaining "strategic" containers, e.g. subtitles support in MKV, etc.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by Jackobahn »

Good to see AVI and OGG go, OGG was never really viable and AVI was just terrible. Though any there any plans to introduce a newer codec? I've heard that VC-1 is promising as a high quality HD codec and a decent alternative to H.264.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by s55 »

Though any there any plans to introduce a newer codec?
Not currently. VC1 is not something that will ever appear. As for other formats / encoders. That remains to be seen. There isn't much developer interest outside of h264 right now. Nor for alternative containers.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by wzzrd »

Would it then be possible to send me the spec file of the pre-built RPM's? I would like to package the software for myself and since the build procedure of Handbrake is a bit non-standard, it would be interesting to see how you guys did it.
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Re: HandBrake SVN2845 Snapshot

Post by JohnAStebbins »

wzzrd wrote:Would it then be possible to send me the spec file of the pre-built RPM's? I would like to package the software for myself and since the build procedure of Handbrake is a bit non-standard, it would be interesting to see how you guys did it.
The spec file is included with the source in gtk/ghb.spec. You'll find that it is very non-standard. It doesn't even perform the build process. It assumes that the binaries have already been built, and only installs and packages them. You can do this yourself like this (assumes you've checked out handbrake source in directory "HandBrake"):

Code: Select all

cd HandBrake
./configure --prefix=/usr
cd build
make pkg.create.rpm
The packages will be in build/pkg