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"Bugs" and "Feature Requests" forums are moving!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:10 pm
by HandBrake
Whats Changing?

Our "Bugs" and "Feature Request" forums are being archived in favour of using our GitHub issue tracker

All existing topics will remain open for the time being however both forums are now closed to new topics.

How to I post a feature request or raise a bug?

All new requests should now be placed on our GitHub issue tracker. When you login you will see a green "New Issue" which you can use to post your query. Please follow the issue template provided as guidance for the information we require.

Why the change?

Managing defects and feature requests on the forum is time consuming for us. The forum software we use simply isn't designed for it. GitHub offers a better experience all round and allows us to concentrate more on the app.

Can I use my forum login on GitHub?

Unfortunately no. GitHub is a 3rd party service so you will have to register a free account with them.