Interval or Chapter Skipping / Single Output File

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Interval or Chapter Skipping / Single Output File

Post by RobertDHall3 »

Please describe what you would like to see added to HandBrake:
Its is difficult to explain, but here goes SPLIT TIME or SPLIT CHAPTER RECORDING INTO ONE FILE. So I can Record chapter 1 and 3,4,5 and skip a chapter instead of having to record each chapter separately and get another program to stitch them together - which takes just as long as the original copy. (Would also be useful with time recording) Intervals like Start Time 00:00:31 End Interval 1 00:02:35 Begin Interval 2 00:3:01 End Time 01:35:45

Why would you like to see this added:
This would be great for recording shows that show a teaser then run the show theme, then start again. I am all for giving credit to where credit is due, but when you watch shows for 30 or more times, you already know who the stars are. Plus 30 to 50 seconds of space per show for over a thousand shows is a lot.

What version of HandBrake are you currently running:

What operating system and version and you currently running (e.g. OSX 10.11, Windows 7, Ubuntu 14):
Windows 7
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