Adjust PAR?

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 5:22 pm

Adjust PAR?

Post by DisabledTrucker »

I'm not even sure if this is possible or not or if it's actually on tap for 1.x, but I would like to see the ability to change the PAR values as well as the size of the output so that like in the movie The Fast and The Furious (Tricked Out Edition), I can take title 31, (the one that shows what happened from where the original left off to the next one,) and make it the same size as the other two when it's done. This would come in handy for other movies like this where they have the extended scenes separate from the main movie for those of us who would like to insert them into the movie using other software.

Also, unlinking the PAR and the Aspect Ratio so that one can set the Ratio and the PAR seperately would also be nice, especially if we can fine tune both sets to match the numbers from the rest of the video.

It seems like your working towards this with the description you have in the stickied post, but I wasn't sure so I posted this, if that is the case feel free to delete this post.
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