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Powershell automated conversions

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:32 pm
by Rocketcandy
I have written a powershell script that will convert files in 2 specified directories over a given size.

It is on Github for easy updates and can be found here:

If you have questions or thoughts please let me know!

Code as of 9/14/16 is below:

Code: Select all

####  Change values below to match your enviroment #####

### Specify Directories below ###

# TV Shows directory
$TvShowDir = "C:\Path\To\Episodes"

# Movies directory
$MovieDir = "\\File.Server\Path\To\Movies"

##### Changes Below here are optional #####

### Change file size if desired below ###

# Look for TV Shows larger than this value
$TvShowSize = 1GB

# Look for Movies larger than this value
$MovieSize = 2GB

### Change file format to desired format, defaults to .mkv"

#File format must be either mkv or mp4
$FileFormat = "mkv"

##### These can be changed but will default to the extracted folder and the 64bit install of handbreak #####

# Spreadsheet containing completed conversions information. Do not change unless you want it to go to a differnt path
$ConversionCompleted = ".\ConversionsCompleted.csv"
    $ConversionCompleted = Resolve-Path -Path $ConversionCompleted

# Directory you want log files to go to
$LogFileDir = ".\Logs"
    $LogFileDir = Resolve-Path -Path $LogFileDir

# HandBreak Instillation directory (The directory that has HandBrakeCLI.exe in it) 
$HandBreakDir = "C:\Program Files\Handbrake"


### Check to make sure all paths and files exist before starting ###

# Create the Conversion Completed Spreadsheet if it does not exist
If(-not(Test-Path $ConversionCompleted)){
    $headers = "File Name", "Completed Date"
    $psObject = New-Object psobject
    foreach($header in $headers)
     Add-Member -InputObject $psobject -MemberType noteproperty -Name $header -Value ""
    $psObject | Export-Csv $ConversionCompleted -NoTypeInformation
    $ConversionCompleted = Resolve-Path -Path $ConversionCompleted

# Create the Logs directory if it does not exist
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LogFileDir | Out-Null
    $LogFileDir = Resolve-Path -Path $LogFileDir

# Check to see if HandbreakCLI.exe exists in $HandbreakDir
    Write-Host "HandBrakeCLI.exe not found in $HandBreakDir Please make sure that HandBreak is installed.  Quitting" -ForegroundColor Red
    Read-Host "Press Enter to exit..."

# Check to see if $MovieDir exists
    Write-Host "Movie directory: $MovieDir not found.  Please make sure the path is correct.  Quitting" -ForegroundColor Red
    Read-Host "Press Enter to exit..."

# Check to see if $TvShowDir exists
    Write-Host "Tv Show directory: $TvShowDir not found.  Please make sure the path is correct.  Quitting" -ForegroundColor Red
    Read-Host "Press Enter to exit..."

#Create Hash table to check against before starting conversions.  This will prevent converting items that have already been converted (This spreadsheet updates automatically)
$CompletedTable = Import-Csv -Path $ConversionCompleted
foreach($file in $CompletedTable){
    $HashTable[$file."File Name"]=$file."Completed Date"

#####  Start looking for files and converting files happens after here #####

# Output that we are finding file
Write-Host "Finding Movie files over $($MovieSize/1GB)GB in $MovieDir and Episodes over $($TvShowSize/1GB)GB in $TvShowDir be patient..." -ForegroundColor Gray

# Find all files larger than 2GB
$LargeTvFiles = Get-ChildItem $TvShowDir -recurse | where-object {$_.length -gt $TvShowSize}  | Select-Object FullName,Directory,BaseName,Length
$LargeMovieFiles = Get-ChildItem $MovieDir -recurse | where-object {$_.length -gt $MovieSize}  | Select-Object FullName,Directory,BaseName,Length

# Merge the files from both locations into one array and sort largest to smallest (So we start by converting the largest file first)
$AllLargeFiles = $LargeTvFiles + $LargeMovieFiles | Sort-Object length -Descending

# Run through a loop for each file in our array, converting it to a .$FileFormat file
foreach($File in $AllLargeFiles){
    # Full file name and path
    $InputFile = $File.FullName
    # File name + "-NEW.$FileFormat" we want it to be an $FileFormat file and we don't want to overwrite the file we are reading from if it is already a .$FileFormat
    $OutputFile = "$($File.Directory)\$($File.BaseName)-NEW.$FileFormat"
    # Just the file itself
    $EpisodeName = $File.BaseName
    # The final name that we will rename it to when the conversion is finished and we have deleted the original
    $FinalName = "$($File.Directory)\$($File.BaseName).$FileFormat"
    # Check the Hash table we created from the Conversions Completed spreadsheet.  If it exists skip that file
        # Change the CPU priorety of HandBreakCLI.exe to below Normal in 10 seconds so that the conversion has started
        Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            Start-Sleep -s 10
            $p = Get-Process -Name HandBrakeCLI
            $p.PriorityClass = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass]::BelowNormal
        # Write that we are starting the conversion
        $StartingFileSize = $File.Length/1GB
        Write-Host "Starting conversion on $InputFile it is $([math]::Round($StartingFileSize,2))GB in size before conversion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        # Change Directory to be in the HandBreak Directory
        cd $HandBreakDir
        # Start the Conversion (The switches used are based off of YIFY's settings and depending on the file can compress by 80% or more (The larger the starting file the more we should be able to shrink it)
        .\HandBrakeCLI.exe -i "$InputFile" -t 1 --angle 1 -o "$OutputFile" -f $FileFormat -w 1862 -l 1066 --crop 0:0:0:58 --modulus 2 -e x265 -q 23 --cfr -a 1 -E copy:* -6 dpl2 -R 48 -B 64 -D 0 --gain 0 --audio-fallback ac3 -m --encoder-preset=veryfast --verbose=1 2> "$LogFileDir\$EpisodeName.txt"
        # Check to make sure that the output file actuall exists so that if there was a conversion error we don't delete the original
        if( Test-Path $OutputFile ){
            Remove-Item $InputFile -Force
            Rename-Item $OutputFile $FinalName
            Write-Host "Finished converting $FinalName" -ForegroundColor Green
            $EndingFile = Get-Item $FinalName | Select-Object Length
            $EndingFileSize = $EndingFile.Length/1GB
            Write-Host "Ending file size is $([math]::Round($EndingFileSize,2))GB so, space saved is $([math]::Round($StartingFileSize-$EndingFileSize,2))GB" -ForegroundColor Green
            # Add the completed file to the completed csv file so we don't convert it again later
            $csvFileName = "$FinalName"
            $csvCompletedDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%x - %I:%M %p"
            $hash = @{
                "File Name" =  $csvFileName
                "Completed Date" = $csvCompletedDate
            $newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
            Export-Csv $ConversionCompleted -inputobject $newrow -append -Force
        # If file not found write that the conversion failed.
        elseif (-not(Test-Path $OutputFile)){
            Write-Host "Failed to convert $InputFile" -ForegroundColor Red
    # If file exists in Conversions Completed Spreadsheet write that we are skipping the file because it was already converted
        Write-Host "Skipping $InputFile because it was already converted." -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
    # Cleanup our variables so there is nothing leftover for the next run
    Clear-Variable InputFile,OutputFile,EpisodeName,FinalName,AllLargeFiles,TvShowDir,MovieDir,LargeMovieFiles,LargeTvFiles,File,EndingFile,EndingFileSize,TvShowSize,MovieSize -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Re: Powershell automated conversions

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:58 pm
by st3v3d
Is there any restrictions on the filelevel depth under the directories?

ex. file01/file02/files03/video.avi.

Excited to try this out and reclaim some space.

Re: Powershell automated conversions

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:29 pm
by Rocketcandy

You specify they base directory that includes all the files you want to convert even if there are several levels of folders.

It will go through and find all the files over the size you specify and then convert them from largest to smallest.